YAWATA FT-51(E6013)

MMK 96000.00
422, Ponnami St., Ward (78),, Dagon Seikkan Township, Yangon , Myanmar
YAWATA FT-51(E6013)
YAWATA FT-51(E6013)
MMK 96000.00
422, Ponnami St., Ward (78),, Dagon Seikkan Township, Yangon , Myanmar


"YAWATA FT-51(E6013) is a high rutile type electrode for all positions welding and assures easy operation even in vertical downward position. Spatters are less and bead appearance is beautiful. 1.Use dry electrodes only. 2.If coating flux absorbs excessive moisture, arc and slag fluidity become unstable,spatters increase,undercuts and blowholes are apt to occur.Damp electrodes should be re-dried at 70~120C for 60 minutes. 3.For inclined and vertical downward positions, touch electrode tip lightly to the base metal and deposit a stronger bead with electrode slope 40~80. All positions."



422, Ponnami St., Ward (78),, Dagon Seikkan Township, Yangon , Myanmar